Welcome to the New Year
About this time every year, I would hunt for the just-right New Year’s cards that expressed my hopes and good wishes for friends and family. Some cards were simple and modern, others came from Israel and were fund raisers for Hadassah. It was expected to include a personal note. Without that note, it was like getting a card from the dentist or insurance company. Nonetheless, all the cards were displayed in a prominent spot and made one feel part of a community of caring and sharing.
Times have definitely changed. It is, of course, still wonderful to find online New Year’s wishes from friends around the country, but for me, it is not the same. I miss seeing the handwritten notes and I miss going to the post office to get sheets of the most beautiful postage stamps, even before they were self-adhesive. So, here goes my modern-day e-wishes, without a stamp but with the warmth that is being sent your way, without being in an envelope.
May this be a healthy and peaceful year for you and your loved ones. And may you know how much your participation in our Jewish community is appreciated. It is because we all care about supporting each other and sustaining the beauty and love of our faith that brings us meaning and strength.
Shanah Tovah Umetukah, have a Good and Sweet Year
Maureen Tarnopol Sullivan