Finding New Meaning in Mexico
Have you ever worried about finding retirement boring? How about looking for some Yiddishkeit in a Catholic country like Mexico? Do you worry you will never make new friends as close as those you left behind?
Having lived in Ajijic for the past 11 years (aside from a few months in California), I can say I have never been happier. Not that life was bad in the US but life here is so much better: calmer, more colorful and richer. And our synagogue
is what turned the corner for me. First as a member, then as a Member at Large on the synagogue’s Board of Director, and now, for the past three years, as President. I found a social network that works, cares about its members, wants to learn more about being Jewish and welcomes new members with open arms.
Times were tough during the season of COVID. We stopped all live services for almost two years. None the less, with the guidance of our dedicated service leader, David Rosett, we stuck to it and continued with even more programing on Zoom. We rotated responsibility for leading Shabbat services. The services were brief but included prayers and an original drash, which became a learning experience for us all. We chatted before and after, seeing each other’s faces, hearing their voices, and making sure no one was in need. On Saturday mornings we continued with Zoom Torah study. We even softened our rules and had live celebrations for Chanukah and Passover.
Now, as we prepare for the High Holy Days 5783, which will happily be live and lively, we invite all newcomers, whether new to Ajijic or already living here but never attended services, to join us. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are all about returning and change. Here is an open invitation to do so with us. You may have never gone to a service before, be in a relationship with a non-Jewish partner, or just want to hear the Shofar….come, we want you. And if you need a taste of Jewishness before the holidays you are also more than welcome to our live pot-luck dinners on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. For more information, go to our website at lakechapalajewishcongregation.com and request to be added to our El Shofar mailing list and find out where we are, what to bring for a pot-luck and about the exciting Guest Rabbi who will be leading High Holy Day services.
Looking forward to see friends old and new,
Maureen Tarnopol Sullivan
President, LCJC