Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation

President's Message - August 2020

Dear Friends,

 I am pleased to tell you much has been happening at LCJC, under the cover of Zoom.  You probably have been unable to see how beautiful the synagogue grounds are looking despite having not many events to appreciate them.  Blooms abound and the grass is brilliant green. The building itself remains in good condition with no visible leaks or major problems.  Mateo our gardener/maintenance man, and Magda, our housekeeper, continue with vigilance and care, readying the shul for our return….which, for the moment, is nowhere in sight.
Missing the great pleasure of our potlucks and services, we have, nonetheless, made every effort to be in touch.  The Friday evening Zoom Shabbats and Saturday morning services continue.  Torah study led by Mel Goldberg, always gives us interesting things about which to think.  David Rosett continues leading a Spanish speakers service as well as leading the Saturday morning service in English.  The Board of Directors are regularly reaching out to members by phone to make sure everyone is well. Out of these calls new friendships have formed and, hopefully, we remain connected.

The Board met this week to discuss keeping our membership involved without the joy of being with each other in person.  Several ideas, including the Jewish Film Festival are being investigated to determine if there are enough resources and interest to make them a reality.  No firm decisions have yet to be made about the High Holy Days.  You will know as soon as we do.  I wish I could tell you a date has been set for reopening our shul, but sadly I cannot.  Our first priority remains keeping each and all of us safe and healthy. Be patient…it WILL end.
Remember, the time to renew your membership is drawing close.  You will soon be receiving a letter from Betty Shiffman announcing the details for 2020/2021 membership.
Please let me know if there is anything….and I mean anything, we can do to help make your days better.  And….please consider joining the Zoom Shabbats, Saturday services and Torah studies.
Missing you all,
Stay safe and well,
Maureen Sullivan