Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation

“And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy”

Genesis 2:3

In every culture and every religion one day a week is set aside as a day to prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually for the week to come. In Judaism, this is a sacred and holy day – more holy, in fact, than any other holiday or festival on the Jewish are called on to renew their faith in God, who proclaimed: “Remember the seventh day and keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).

Six days a week we try to dominate the world. We labor, mentally and physically, to make our lives better. Every day is spent in an effort to improve our standard of living or increase our Knowledge. As the week progresses, the pace becomes more and more frenetic – and then comes Shabbat, a day introspection, a day on which you are to rest as if all of your work has been completed, rest even from the thought of labor.

LCJC Shabbat

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