Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation

It has been wonderful to see many of you as you renew your membership for 2020 – 2021.  To date, 48 of you have renewed, we are still waiting for about 24 more of you.  As you know, we need all of you to keep an active, fulfilling Jewish community, which is available to all of us at any time during the year.  Betty Shiffman, our membership chair, will be contacting you to please renew your membership. 

Thanks to all of you, the Congregation is doing reasonably well so far this year.   We should have adequate funds to add the required 5% of dues to each the Cemetery and Shibko fund at year end.  In addition, we will have a reasonable cash reserve going into 2021. We continue to have maintenance, utilities, and salary expenses even though we can’t have functions at the synagogue just yet.  We are all longing to be able to return to in-person services, events and activities.

As always, I am here to serve you.  Please contact me with any questions and I will do my best to respond.  

Robin Hayden, Treasurer